If one or more of your teeth has significant decay, your Smiles of Naperville dentist will advise you to have a cavity filled to preserve it. In the past, silver amalgam was the only option for filling material. However, most dental patients today prefer composite fillings instead. This is partly cosmetic since composite fillings are made of clear materials that match the color of the natural teeth. Concerns over the small possibility of mercury poisoning from silver amalgam fillings is another reason they have fallen out of favor.
Receive Your New Composite Filling in a Single Appointment
Before you receive a composite filling, your dentist must complete an oral exam to make sure this is the best option for you. If it is, Dr. Gonavarum or Dr. Arora will completely clean the tooth to prepare it for the procedure. He or she will then mold the composite filling material until it matches the shape of your tooth. Unlike traditional metal fillings that can take several hours to dry, your composite filling should harden before you leave our dental clinic. This enables you to resume normal eating habits sooner in addition to not having your speech affected. Some of the other benefits of this type of filling include:
- It will not turn black over time as can happen with traditional metal fillings.
- You won’t experience sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures of your food and beverages.
- There is no possibility of chips or leaks that can lead to metal poisoning.
- Silicon dioxide, which is the main material used in composite fillings, helps to strengthen teeth better than other types of filling material.
Contact Us to Learn More
We realize you have a lot to consider when it comes to having new cavities filled. That is why we encourage you to call our office or come in for a consultation to discuss your various options. Our dentists will never try to influence your choice one way or the other as they only want what is best for your long-term oral health.