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root canal treatment

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How does a Root Canal save your tooth?

Every tooth in a person’s mouth is very valuable because it serves a function. You need your teeth to flash a beautiful smile. You need your teeth to be able to eat a variety of food. You need your teeth to produce certain sounds during speech. You need your teeth to hold your bite and maintain the integrity of your facial structures. Your teeth are important because of all the reasons mentioned above, and if a tooth is no longer restorable through traditional restorative fillings and you do not exactly want to resort to a tooth extraction, you can get [...]

2016-12-28T10:00:35+00:00December 28th, 2016|Blog, Dental Treatments, Tooth Restoration|

How a root canal treatment helps you keep all your teeth

Our teeth help us to chew food that needs to be broken down before it enters our digestive system so that our body can absorb the nutrients from them.  It also helps us pronounce much more clearly and accurately. Our teeth also help us look better by preventing our facial muscles to sag. If teeth are not treated properly, they will likely to develop cavities, tooth decay, serious oral problems and can even cause tooth loss. If a tooth can no longer be fixed with traditional fillings and you do not want to get your tooth extracted, you can undergo [...]

2016-04-14T02:38:48+00:00April 14th, 2016|Uncategorized|
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