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What you need to know about fluoride treatment procedures

To prevent tooth decay, we brush our teeth from the moment we wake up, after we eat and before going to sleep. For a person that has a superb dental health care, this is their daily routine. Together with flossing and rinsing of fluoride-containing mouthwashes you are surely taking good care of your teeth. Fluoride is the most effective element to keep our tooth from decaying. It is naturally found in water and is also present in almost all of the food we eat. There are two types of fluoride, these are: Topical fluoride makes our teeth strong and also [...]

2014-12-26T12:23:34+00:00December 26th, 2014|Blog|

What happens when you undergo a root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is the removal of a bacterial infection that has entered the pulp of your tooth. It is a procedure performed by your dentist to repair and rescue a severely damaged and infected tooth. The acid produced when the bacteria from plaque and sugar from the food debris combine, can wear down the tooth enamel thus resulting to cavities or dental decay. These cavities can cause dental infection and if left untreated, may progress to other structures of the tooth, like the tooth pulp. The pulp of the tooth contains nerve and blood vessels. Any damage to these [...]

2014-11-09T02:51:38+00:00November 9th, 2014|Blog|
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